My darling sister Beatrice,
      Hello again sister dear, it has been a long time since I have last written to you. I hope all is well at your homestead and that all troubles have avoid you. It would be just terrible if something were to happen to you or your family. Have kept yourself busy? I for one have had barely enough time for shuteye these last couple months. This must be how the men feel with their jobs. But what am I to know, for I have never had one myself.
       Now you are probably wondering why I am writing, because Lucretia doesn't write without a purpose, right. Well you caught me. It is true that I am writing to check up on my extended family, but it is also true that I write for another reason. It is the reason that has kept me so busy and made me  unable to write. You see Beatrice; I have joined a movement, one with meaning and purpose. I have joined the women's rights movement. I know what you are thinking and I don't want you to worry, there is nothing dangerous occurring during this movement. Everything is completely safe.
        In fact, I haven't even participated in a protest yet. All I have done is devote my heart and soul to the project. We NEED more rights Beatrice. Men can't treat us like children forever. They shouldn't be able too either; it is just plain wrong. In between this letter and my last was when my eyes were opened to the project. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and I went to the World Anti-Slavery Convention to throw our ideas out there and you know what they did? Do you know what they did to us? They insulted us and forced us to sit silently behind a curtain. Behind a curtain! Now do you see why this movement is so important?
         Anyway, I am going to get to the real reason for the letter. I am cordially inviting you to attend the Seneca Falls Convention. It will be the first ever women's rights convention and you can be there with me.
You can experience the movement, even become part of it! It would really mean a lot to me if would come. You will finally get to see what your sister can do. Plus, you may even be so moved you'll join the movement with me! And we could protest together! Oh, that would be so much fun.
          Want to know what is even more exciting? We are going to write up a declaration demanding more rights. It is going to be called the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions. In it we are going to demand the right to keep our own wages and even suffrage. Imagine, Beatrice, being able to vote for the president! Maybe even one day a woman will be president too. This movement can really change our whole situation.
          I really hope you decide to attend the convention, I am enclosing a ticket. But don't tell anyone you are going or our husbands may try to stop us. Just say you are going to visit your sister; in a way you are. I must put this letter to a close soon, the children are about to come home from school and they will need my fully devoted attention then. Before I go I will ask you one more time not to write off the women's rights movement. You may be surprised at its power. Please take care.

Your devoted sister,


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