Slavery was a problem for America ever since the country drew up the Constitution. Most northern states wanted slavery abolished, but southern states fought back saying slavery was vital to their economy. Because half the states were slave states and the other half free states, no decision could be made and slavery continued to occur in the south. The slaves were "blacks" who were forced to labor for their owners. About 50% of slaves worked in plantations while others worked in cities as domestic servants, factory hands, craftsmen, and day laborers. The conditions slaves were forced to live in were terrible. People would separate family members and treated them in cruel ways like whipping, underfeeding, and overworking. Although some slaves managed to become free, they lived under the threat of being captured and had almost no rights. Truthfully, the only thing slaves had was their culture. The culture of the slaves was based off religion. It helped them create bonds with each other and endure the cruel conditions. Slaves expressed their culture through folk songs. Some of the songs even had coded messages about how to escape. Another thing slaves had was hope of a brighter future. They found hope through a bible story when Moses leads the Hebrew out of bondage in Egypt.

               Unfortunately, their bright future didn't come. When the Industrial Revolution began the demand for raw materials like cotton increased dramatically. Of course the cotton came from the south and in order to harvest all that cotton more slaves were needed. As a result, the slave population doubled. However, around the same time a machine called the cotton gin was invented. The cotton gin made it easier for the slaves to clean cotton whereas before only a pound of cotton could be cleaned per person each day. Southern plantation owners became very rich with the cotton demand and the slaves just suffered more.

               While all of this is happening, abolitionists were attempting to end slavery. Many people planned rebellions to get states to make laws against slavery. Perhaps one of the most famous slavery related rebellion was one led by Nat Turner. He and seventy other follows killed fifty-five "white people" in Southampton County, Virginia. As retaliation "white people" killed over two-hundred "blacks", limited "blacks” freedoms, and killed the rebels. Other rebellions include when Gabriel Prosser planned an attack on Richmond to protest slavery and when Denmark Vessey planned to revolt in Charleston, South Carolina in 1822. Both plots were given up or discovered and the two leaders and some followers from each attempt were hanged.

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