Very few people dared to journey west before the 1800's. However, there were a small number who did. Among these early pioneers were a group of men called mountain men who would trap fur out west and bring it back to sell through the rendezvous system. The mountain men were considered rugged loners, but they were actually quite important to events later in history. For example, they discovered the best trails through the Rocky Mountains, which were used by pioneers later, and they provided America with in depth knowledge of the far west. Without them the citizens of America may have never found a way to expand west.

          Eventually when people began to consider the west as a possible new home, they found a huge lure. For one, there was no one occupying the area except Native Americans and they could easily be pushed out of the land. The west was also seen as an opportunity for money. Land speculators began to buy vast areas of land and when the value went up they sold sections of the land to pioneers coming to open businesses, own farms, trade fur, find jobs, and even to hide from the law. Most people came west on the Oregon trail, which started in Missouri and went all the way to Oregon. The first people to make the journey to Oregon were missionaries. It was their raves that caused thousands of other pioneers to make the journey west.

           Not everyone who ventured west ended up in Oregon. There was a group of Mormons who ventured west for religious reasons. In the states the Mormons had made many enemies and they were practically forced to move when their leader was killed. A new leader then led them on part of the Oregon Trail and settled them in what is now known as Salt Lake City, Utah. Still others journeyed to Mexico on the Santa Fe Trail. This migration was started when a Missouri trader named William Becknell went to New Mexico and made a huge profit selling supplies. The year after William made his original journey thousands of others joined him to make a similar profit. Soon the trail became an important travel route.

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