During the 1800's, immigrants poured into the United States of America. The immigrants were coming from other countries like Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, Scandinavia, China, ect. They all came for various different reasons. The reasons for immigration are divided into two sections; push factors (reasons that push people from their native land) and pull factors (reasons that pull people towards a new country). Some of the push factors for coming to America are overpopulation, loss of jobs, religious and/or political turmoil, debt, and crop failures. The reason for the Irish immigrants had for coming to America was a push factor. At the time people left Ireland there, the Irish Potato Famine was putting the country in turmoil and America offered a better life then what was in Ireland. On the other hand, some pull factors for coming to America was abundant land, affordable land, a chance at a new life, new markets, tolerance, freedom, and economic opportunity.

          When they arrived in America most immigrants flocked towards cities in the north. These cities had a large amount of manufacturing jobs open due to the Industrial Revolution. The south attracted fewer immigrants because the economy was based off of slave labor and there were few jobs offerings because of it. There were also aid groups for new immigrants that other immigrants before them had formed. Besides the positives like job openings and aid groups, immigrants were met with some difficulties. As a result of the urban growth, cities didn't have space for all the newcomers. Plus, the cities were unprepared to deal with all the people and crime that was occurring. The immigrants were also met with opposition. Some native-born Americans thought immigrants were too foreign to adapt to American living. Others feared that immigrants would outnumber natives and some even were skeptical of the new religions.  Those who opposed immigration refused to hire immigrants, formed secret societies and would not vote for Catholics and immigrants. They even went as far as to form a know-nothing party that wanted to ban immigration or at least make it near impossible to become a citizen.

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